Posts Tagged ‘Judgement Day’

God’s Dual Nature

December 6, 2009

Post # 30

God loves the sinner but hates the sin. A list of blessings and curses is given in Deuteronomy28.
Is the all loving God the same God who metes out vengeance and punishment on the disobedient?

Can we understand and reconcile God’s apparent dual nature?

Can the general differences in the nature of men and women shed some light on the two sides of God’s nature?

Why do women tend to grasp more easily than men the concept of submitting to a loving God who says he longs to wrap his arms around us and comfort us? Women tend to talk and form relationships more easily than men.

Why do boys grow up doing mainly nonverbal things and revel in competitions of strength with each other? The goal of society seems to be their self-sufficiency and ability to defend themselves and their families. Boys tend to like violent movies and video games more than girls do.

Actually I believe God can be viewed as the combination of all the positive attributes of male and female and can fill the roles of both father and mother.

I don’t believe God loves wielding his power in destructive ways, but does show his power when it is  necessary.  Revelation 19:11-21 tells of the day of God’s wrath – He judges and makes war – His eyes are as flames of fire.

I believe that the real enemy and challenge for God is our desire for self sufficiency and  independence. Babylon was the epitome of human pride, with its beautiful architecture and famous hanging gardens. Nebuchadnezzar was punished for taking the credit for Babylon’s prosperity instead of acknowledging and being thankful for  God’s provision of the resources. After serving his very hard sentence as an animal in the wilderness for 7 years he repented and worshiped God from then on. (see Daniel 4:28-36)

With some people their pride and independence are so fierce that it is quite a challenge for God to deal with them. While having the goal of their repentance in mind, he wants them to realize that he is God and they are not, and for them to humble themselves so that he may lead them to repentance and grant forgiveness. He has a plan and wants all people to respond to his call and follow him in order to find the narrow path to righteousness and reconciliation – according to his timing. God is love and all he does is in love – even his punishment.

According to Revelation 19:11-21, it seems the leaders of this world’s system will lose the battle against the returning Christ and will only consider repenting after being killed and brought back to life in the judgment (Revelation 20:11-15). This brings to mind my belief that appearing in the judgment does not mean automatic condemnation to the Lake of Fire. As the church is being judged now (1 Peter 4:17-19), which involves  teaching and practice over a long period of time, so I expect God will give those coming before him on Judgment Day the same time and opportunity to make an informed choice. Since Satan will be banished at that time there won’t be the same negative spiritual influences in opposition to God that we experience today.

Also I don’t believe the Lake of Fire is intended to punish incorrigible sinners forever, but will be their ultimate death penalty. This is called the second death in Revelation 20:14, which is in harmony with Romans 6:23 (the wages of sin is death)  and John 3:16 (the gift of God is eternal life).

I believe God’s will is for all people to repent and choose to subordinate their wills to his, and to dwell in a love relationship with him. Love, respect and worship of God and his way of life is the goal of repentance. Love implies a wholehearted attitude and a passionate desire to do God’s will.

Often people don’t give up relying on their own resources until a crisis is encountered which is beyond their control, and they turn to God in humility and fervent desire/desperation for help to carry on.

There is rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents.